QUICK VERSION: I’ve signed up to participate in Mission Community Services Society’s 24Hrs Homeless fundraiser. Myself, and a group of others will spend 24Hrs in a shelter and in “the system” experiencing what it’s like for far too many in our community. The goal: to raise money for their new Mobile Medical Unit (pictured).

If you would like to donate, you can find all the info here: https://missioncommunityservices.com/programs/the-24hr-homeless-fundraiser-program/

I am offering some incentives to local businesses to contribute. Namely - my consulting services, for free. My mainstay is “Industrial Technology”. This generally involves computers and devices that operate in manufacturing and other industrial environments. Think robots and the like. But, as a small business owner, and a professional technologist, I can help any business with any of their technology issues. So - if you meet the donation levels listed below, you can get the respective benefits. Individual and all donations are appreciated any encouraged.

LONG VERSION (cause I like to be wordy and explain myself the best I can):

What is this all about? That is MCSS’s Medical Mobile Unit. It was acquired by MCSS to house medical services and professionals in a way that can meet people where they are. When I heard about this initiative at a Mission DBA Safety & Security meeting, I was really happy to hear it. Community Paramedicine is something I think would help solve many of the challenges our community is facing. And here is an innovative local non-profit (MCSS), stepping up to deliver the services people need. Amazing!!

Then, I heard the part that got my attention. They have funding to give this a go for just one year. After that, it’s not known what will happen. And to help address that funding shortfall MCSS were doing a fundraiser. Before I even knew what it entailed, they were looking for volunteers and I declared I was “IN!”. This is a cause and service that I can see will deliver amazing value to our community and so I was ready and willing to do what is needed to support MCSS and this program.

What did I sign up for? MCSS’s 24hr Homeless fundraiser. They are taking a group of locals (myself included) and are going to cycling them through the homeless services system for one day. 24hrs. We will get to experience first-hand what far too many people have to do far too often - head to a homeless shelter as a last resort.

I am really working hard to tread lightly on this because this isn’t some form of suffering that we have registered for. If it is, then we need to review what our shelters do. And this is not a “ride at the theme park on the homeless game”. Homelessness is not something I’ve personally had to experience, but we have had to address it in our family, and we can see it every day in our community. And so, I am eager to experience a day in that life to hopefully gain better understanding of the challenges people experience, and with hopes to maybe offer ideas on solutions. But at the bare minimum, my aim is to raise as much support for this program as I can muster.

SO - You generally don’t hear from me, asking for much of anything. I typically go about my days at work and in my personal life trying to not be a bother to those around me. I am breaking that normal convention in my life and asking for your support. It can be small or large - any amount helps. Please pledge your support to my efforts, or just the campaign in general. I don’t need the credit, we just need to raise enough funding to give this program a chance to establish itself in our community. I think this is a start of what could revolutionize ground-level healthcare services. But for now, it’s an RV full of people that can help those that need it. That is good enough for me!

Update: I was reading my local “paper” when this came up: https://fvcurrent.com/p/hope-chilliwack-fraser-valley-housing-crisis/

This story of homelessness hits very close to home to me. My Mom was the person in my life that had a brush with homelessness. She was also priced out of affording a roof over her head. We were able to find her a home with the help of Mission’s MASH and their supportive housing options for low-income seniors. And she passed away the week I wrote this post. Her final years were with a safe place to live, that she could afford, and Leona’s story from the FV Current shows me how close too many people are to not having a home to call their own. I truly believe in the cause here - supporting those that need it the most.

THE BUSINESS BENEFIT PROMOTION: I’ve decided to do a “promotion” for this fundraiser. Blondin Enterprises Inc. will be offering free services for donations from Mission’s (and beyond) business community.

If you are a business owner or operator, you can make a difference by donating to this worthy cause. Not only will you be helping others, but you will also get some value for your help.

If you donate $250 or more, you will receive a half-day of business tech consulting from me. I can help you with anything from fixing your janky WiFi, to installing a new computer, to fixing your email account, to…you name it. If it has technology, I can add value.

If you donate $1,000 or more, you will receive one full day of tech consulting from me, and I will provide you with a report on any challenges we find with your existing systems and suggested solutions to make your life easier. I can do anything from fixing/developing complicated spreadsheets, to programming 32-axis coordinated robots with laser vision systems, and everything in between. So - if you want to make your business better, using technology, then support this fundraiser, and get access to BEI’s services and solutions for your business.

This is a win-win situation for everyone. You get to support a noble cause and improve your business at the same time. Plus, you will get recognition through our various communication partners, and your community’s sincere appreciation. How cool is that?!?

So what are you waiting for? The fundraiser is on now, and ends August 17th with our 24hrs Homeless experience. Don't miss this chance to make a positive impact in the world and in your business. Click this link to donate now and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much for your generosity and support.

Mission Community Services Society - 24Hr Homeless Fundraiser

I’m participating in this very worthwhile endeavour and I wanted to write a bit (below) about it, with hopes to compel you to contribute to the cause.