About Us
It’s a bit of a long story…want to hear it?
Blondin Enterprises Inc. was formed in 2016 and legally incorporated in Jan 2017. What was it then? It was a company that covered Rocky Blondin’s Industrial Technology efforts. He has over 15 years plying the trade of Industrial Technologist and after a decade working for others, him and his business partner (and wife) decided to go it their own. Cheryl as the Business Manager, and Rocky as the Business Maker.
For three years, it ran like that. Just Rocky working at his normal job - programming robots and the like, and killing it in general.
Enter 2019. Blondin Enterprises starts to change. How so you ask? Well, it partners in new ventures including Cascadia Trail Builder Supply and Independent Cycles in Mission. It also starts to house Cheryl’s professional talents in fitness and recreation. And much like Rocky’s organic evolution into his own business, Cheryl has found that with her own professional growth and success. Add in a global pandemic and reassessing life goals - BEI evolved again and is now truly the home for all the Blondin Family’s business affairs.
This is the corporate home for what we do. See our individual pages for the specifics on how Rocky, Cheryl and their teammates in their various pursuits can partner with you to achieve your goals.

"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."
— Ella Fitzgerald