Extraction, Exploitation, and how it Ends

Extraction vs added value
Vanilla extract
If you're extracting and not a adding then you're an economic and social parasite

Total Cost of Extraction: The hegemonic species of the last 100 to 1000 years has been the white man. And through that hegemony, the white man has extracted value from everything in his path. Extraction of "natural resources" from Mother Earth, extraction of labour from the "working class", or worse - from enslaved classes. And through all of this, it was only seen as a once-sided equation. Extract more = more money = more hegemony.

We now live in a time where we're seeing in a myriad of ways that the other side of that equation has real, heavy costs. Mother Earth is telling us: you have extracted too much. People that have had their labour and lives extracted are letting the extracting class know: this is too much.


Enough is Enough


Future of Work